The sides and rungs of the ladder are made from premium-quality beech wood.
Coated with clear varnish.
The wall bar is an instrument that can be used to perform various types of exercises. It is characterized by durability and numerous advantages. That's why it is a popular choice for different users.
Wall bars are most often made of beech wood, although there are also models made of other, durable wood species on the market. It is worth paying attention to this when buying - it determines the stability, durability and safety of use. In order to protect the wall bar from damage, it has been coated with clear varnish. What's more, it makes the wall bar look much better and also prevents pieces of wood from driving into the body during exercise. The presented single wall bar is 3.00 m high and 0.90 m wide and has been certified by the European Centre for Quality and Promotion, which confirms the high quality of workmanship and safety of use.
The wall bar is an integral part of school gyms and other sports halls. They help to conduct physical education classes and warm up before the actual training. The wall bar for children is also used in orthopaedic and rehabilitation offices, as well as in rooms where corrective exercises are held.
Wall bars are popular for several reasons. That are:
- affordable price in comparison with other exercise equipment,
- durability,
- possibility of installation practically everywhere, if a piece of wall is available,
- the fact that they take up little space,
- different amount and type of exercises that can be performed on this instrument.