
Effective exercise does not at all require visits to the gym and expensive, complicated equipment. Simple gymnastic equipment, such as medicine balls, can also be very helpful in building muscle and fitness. They are great for rehabilitation and help to add variety to training. What exactly are the benefits of training with a medicine ball? What exercises can be performed with it? Check it out!


General development and rehabilitation equipment is often underestimated. Meanwhile, it allows very effective training to be carried out using it. When used properly, a medicine ball can provide many training benefits. What are these benefits?

Variety in training – provides the opportunity to perform many exercises in new versions. It also increases their level of difficulty as it adds weight. and thus helps to avoid boredom during training sessions.

Motor preparation – training with a medicine ball can be directed towards building a specific motor characteristic, e.g. dynamics, power generation, coordination or precision.

Perfect warm-up – a medicine ball allows the entire body to be activated. It can be used as a projectile, weight or obstacle, making it truly versatile.

Better results – the use of a medicine ball as a weight increases the effectiveness of the exercises and allows to see the results faster.

Spinal fitness improvement – maintaining tension in the muscles during exercises with the medicine ball relieves strain on the spine and helps increase joint mobility.

• Strengthening the deep muscles – the exercises activate the stabilisation muscles and thus help correct posture.

Safety – exercises with a medicine ball are safe. It is a piece of equipment that, even when falling, will not cause injuries and is suitable even for beginners.

These are just the most important of the benefits that a properly used medicine balls can bring. How do you practise with it? Here are some ideas for an effective workout!



Simple gymnastics equipment and accessories can be extremely helpful in training. Medicine balls really offer a multitude of uses. What are some examples of exercises that can be done with them?

Wall Ball – squats with the ball bouncing off a wall

The exercise involves performing a squat facing a wall, with the ball held at chest height. With each extension, throw the ball upwards so that it bounces off the wall at the highest possible point. Then catch it and move smoothly into a squat. The exercise is very dynamic and engages practically the whole body.

Throwing the ball against the floor

The exercise involves lifting the ball above your head and then throwing it with full force against the floor. After the bounce, catch it and immediately lift it over your head again and throw it against the floor. This is another very dynamic exercise that engages the whole body.


Trunk twists

Stand with feet hip-width apart and grasp the ball in front of you with straight arms. This is followed by twisting the torso alternately to the right and left. Throws can also be added after the twist – such as bouncing the ball off the mattress or passing it to another person.

Lifting a medicine ball

The exercise can be performed in a sitting or lying position. In the first case, sit on the ground with your legs bent at the knees and the medicine ball in your straightened hands. The exercise involves straightening the torso and raising the arms above the head with the ball. Alternatively, lie on the floor with all limbs straight and the ball in your hands. The exercise involves drawing the arms and legs together at the same time so that they meet at the level of the centre of the torso.

Push-ups on a medicine ball

A modification of the classic push-up, in which the hands rest on the medicine ball and the toes on the floor. The narrower hand position makes the triceps work harder in this version. You can also do asymmetric push-ups with one hand on the ball with rolling it to the other side after each repetition.


Training with a medicine ball can be done by basically everyone. It is useful as a warm-up and also in preparation for a variety of disciplines. To avoid damaging the walls or floors when the ball is thrown, they can be protected with mattresses. Exercises should be performed in series of several repetitions, paying attention to the precision of each movement.

The medicine ball for exercising can take many forms. Rubber and natural leather models are available in several weight options. You will find high-quality balls as well as other gymnastic equipment in our selection. Be sure to check it out!