
Beach volleyball is a very interesting variation of indoor volleyball. The skills needed for both sports are similar, but training aimed strictly at beach volleyball will be slightly different. Looking for an idea to spice up your P.E. lessons or other training? Check out how to do beach volleyball training for beginners.


The beach volleyball court and what exactly happens on it are significantly different from what can be observed in an indoor setting. However, the equipment and accessories for beach volleyball are already basically identical, so a lesson oriented towards this sport can also be conducted, for example, in a gymnasium – especially for beginners. When playing outdoors, the peculiarities of the sandy surface and the less predictable trajectory of the ball (due to the wind) must be taken into account, but this is only relevant when playing at least at an intermediate level.



How to conduct beach volleyball training? It is worth remembering a few rules to make it not only interesting but also successful:

use fragments of the game – this is the main element of beach volleyball training;

use game continuity exercises – this increases concentration and improves the ability to apply technique in practice;

use accuracy exercises – precision in directing the ball is extremely important, more important than in indoor volleyball;

avoid static exercises – in beach volleyball there are no isolated plays and players are constantly moving around their half of the court;

place emphasis on attacking after defending or receiving a play – a beach volleyball team has only two players, so after defending or receiving a play it is necessary to go straight to attacking;

pay attention to the bottom two-handed rebound – this is a basic technical element in beach volleyball and therefore crucial.

These rules will help you compose an effective beach volleyball training plan yourself. Below you will also find a suggested sample lesson for beginners.



Ready to conduct a training session? Prepare a court (either indoors or outdoors) and beach volleyball equipment. Below you will find a sample scenario for a lesson divided into 3 stages.

1. Warm-up

A good idea for a warm-up before volleyball training is to play running games (such as volleyball tag). It is also a good idea to implement double- and single-leg jumps and stretching exercises, with an emphasis on the ankle joints.

2. Main part

In this part, exercises such as:

• passing the ball in pairs with both hands while moving back and forth and sidestepping,

• passing the ball with both hands in fours with a change of places horizontally,

• passing the ball in a circle with the use of presented techniques of hitting in the attack,

• passing the ball in a circle as above, but without the possibility to bounce the ball with both hands,

• a bump to the target after a throw by the coach – the player chooses the target after a command from the teacher specifying one of the four circles on the surface and given while the ball is flying over the net,

• playing the ball to the setter with both hands after the coach throws the ball to a player in the middle of the court, then putting it to the wing and putting the ball through the net with one of the chosen forms of attack,

• playing with different methods,

• receiving a play with two players – in which the player not taking part in the reception performs the attack or goes to set (in which case the receiver performs the attack),

• passing the ball in a circle without the possibility to bounce it with both hands,

• passing the ball in pairs using defensive techniques after a partner throws the ball,

• moving along the net in pairs with a jump to block.

During a single training session it is useful to focus on one aspect of the game only (e.g. sets, passes, attack), but it is also possible to combine different aspects.


3. Game

Finally, a game should be played – e.g. a simple forearm passing game in pairs. Two teams should be divided into pairs. The pair on the court passes the ball once to the opponent’s side and then leaves the court. A second pair takes its place. After the exchange is completed, the ball is introduced with a throw-in or a serve.

After some practice, a conventional game in teams of two can be introduced. After each action, the teams can be changed (e.g. the team that won the action stays on the court and the losing team comes off). This makes it easy to involve all players and introduce an element of competition.

You don’t need much to carry out effective beach volleyball training. Instead, you will find the right equipment (for both indoor and sandy surfaces). Stock up with everything you need as well as useful training accessories!